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HingeStix Practice Drumsticks...Not Just for Beginner Drummers


HingeStix Practice Drumsticks are not just for beginner drummers. They’re practice drumsticks for professionals too!!

The HingeStix ensure a loose grip for better control and ease of playing, to feel the rebound and let gravity do the work, so that when you go back to your regular drumsticks you’ll know how relaxed drumming can enhance smoothness, musicality, and speed of playing.

By design, the HingeStix Practice Drumsticks places your thumb and index finger correctly on the stick, and engages the back fingers for better control.

What Professionals Are Saying About The HingeStix Practice Drumsticks


"I think the HingeStix are simply revolutionizing the way people think about technique. Teachers try to get students to form better habits and this tool allows that effort to be clearer than ever before. Words go just so we have something that brings physical sensation to mental awareness."

Scott Simpson, Juilliard graduate, Drum/Percussion Teacher

“I think that you've got a really fantastic product on your hands. I wish I would have had these things available to me earlier in my career. I've been working on my grip and technique and your sticks are really helping my left hand.”

Jerry Foltz, Sick Drummer Magazine

“Thanks for making us all better players Sam”.

Jason Arkis…Minnesota Orchestra 

“Your HingeStix humble me Sam, they show me what I need to work on”.

Larry Reese…New Zealand Symphony Orchestra 

Maksym Deomin demonstrates HingeStix Practice Drumsticks single strokes

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