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Reviews from Satisfied HingeStix Customers and Users


Updated: Jan 16

Customers and drummers from around the world are always sending us accolades about the HingeStix Practice Drumstick. You can read some of those reviews here.

We also like to highlight some of those reviews when someone tells us that the HingeStix has transformed their drumming and elevated their technique to the next level. Here is one of those reviews.

"Clever sticks! I must say today was a ‘pivotal' moment in my 55 years of drumming. 

The concept of the physics of "letting gravity do the work" is the essence of developing relaxed, improved stick control and speed. I am so glad your sticks led to this discovery.

The HingeStix are great. Looking forward to making them a part of rebuilding my grip. Days like this make drumming that much more enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding!!"

Ron Smith, Drummer, HingeStix Customer and User

Please feel free to submit your reviews and comments via our CONTACT page located here.


Among the celebrity drummers who endorse our products are Hal Blaine and Joe Morello, and this legendary drummer, Bernard Purdie, below.

HingeStix are endorsed by Bernard Purdie.

The HingeStix Practice Drumstick improves grip and stick control resulting in improved overall drumming technique.

The HingeStix also builds important muscle memory in your fingers and hands that ultimately reduces fatigue.

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